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Dog Walking Safety

1) To keep dogs calmest and safest on walks, I recommend using a harness, especially if your dog pulls *I won't walk dogs with choke chains, pinch collars, e-collars, slip collars, and prong collars


2)  I always carry high quality healthy treats (100% beef hotdog, turkey) in case of emergency and while working on leash walking skills


3) For reactive dogs, I recommend walking in a very spacious area where they have enough room to feel safe


4) WEATHER: I cancel walks if 5"+ snow is forecasted. Walks will be shortened if the temperatures are extreme 


5) I DO NOT do group walks unless the dogs are very familiar with each other beforehand 


6) I am committed to following leash laws and the 5 freedoms of animal welfare


7) No distracted walking

Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Details and Prices

Dog Walking:

- $25 per walk 

- I do not walk more than 3 dogs per walk, and I only do group walks if they are requested




Dog/Pet Sitting:

- $65 per day that I am there


- I have experience working with reptiles, rodents, chickens, and fish as


well as cats and dogs




- Includes taking care of trash, mail, dishes, laundry, and watering









Dog Sitting for More Than an Hour But Less


Than 24 Hours


- $40 in total



I have been dog walking and pet sitting professionally since 2015. I still have reoccurring clients from 2015 and have taken on new clients along the way. My clients enjoy my work because I'm honest, communicative, professional, flexible, trustworthy, and the dogs take to me quickly. I prioritize making you and your dog comfortable, and I keep you updated on how your dog is doing with texts, pictures, and videos. 



Please text, call, or email me to set up scheduling for dog walking or sitting. I will set up a time to meet with you and your dog(s) before I start working for you





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Katie Malionek:


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